Monday, December 30, 2013

the days before Christmas...

Some pictures from the days leading up to Christmas....

Liam and Kella playing with some indoor sand. Kella has on her dress she wore to church.  She didn't want to take it off. (And she didn't until dinner time)

On Monday, we made some cookies and candy.  Kella likes to help in the kitchen.  She hauls her stool in so she can see better.

I enlisted the help of the boys to make the candy cane bark.

Our tree was the best one yet.  It was a nice big tree than held its needles great this year.  Deocrated with lots of ornaments from present and past school projects.

From another day, we brought some the bikes inside to cruise around the house in.

And, we found some "lost"toys in the seat of one of the bikes.

Kinley, taking in the action from her seat on the floor.
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