Saturday, September 27, 2014

fall + preschooler = apple orchard field trip

I do not know how many times we have been on the apple orchard field trip.  Andy, I know, has been on the trip much more than me and could probably give the tour himself.  This year, I had the privilege of taking Kella and Kinley with the preschool class.  It was a lovely weather day, which made the trip much more enjoyable.
"Hi.  My name is Kinley.  I like to eat dirt."

"I also like to eat rocks.  I also like to cry when my mom takes the rocks away."

Kella got to ride around the orchard.

I killed time with Kinley by messing with the manual settings on my camera again.

I think she found another rock.

Kella got to pick an apple.

I got some Matsu apples, local honey and unpastuerized cider.  I also scored an apple slushie that Kella commandeered.  Delicious.  

Till next year, apple orchard!

Friday, September 26, 2014

around the house

just sitting here, forcing the boys to stay inside until 8am.  That will give them about 15 minutes to tear around outside like fools before the bus comes.  I actually have time, right now, to upload pics from my camera to the computer. = photos to share here.  I've been trying to play around with the manual settings on the camera.  I figure, since I've had the camera for almost 2 years, maybe I should learn how to work some more of the buttons.

Nothing really on tap for today.  Andy is working a cycling event this morning.  I will be home with the girls, probably attempting to clean something (me, not the girls).  I think I will order a new phone for myself today since my relic (iphone 3) bit the dust a few weeks ago and living in a bag of rice has not revived it.

We have 1 soccer practice tonight (Ewan's).  The last one of Heights' rec league.  Cale, Ewan and Liam all have their last game on Saturday and then we rush off to the first of 2 games that Marcus has that afternoon.  Marcus has 2 more weeks of soccer after this for tournaments.  And, travel basketball tryouts are Monday and Tuesday.  We won't have down time for long.

just a superhero swinging.  a daily occurance to have a masked child running around.

a great close-up of Liam

"Hi. My name is Kinley and I like to eat chalk."

a little bit over-exposed.  the kids built a camp in the yard.

Princess Batgirl-Kella armed and dangerous

Grammy Pammy came last week to see everyone.  The kids were excited.  Princess Kella liked having a buddy.  And, Grammy brought zucchini bread.  Awesome!

So, we were able to get most of the kids in the picture.  You-know-who was too cranky to pose.  I think 5 out of 6 is pretty good.

Here's to a great Friday!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

karate parade and demo

The Saturday of Ewan's birthday was chock full of activities.  Besides soccer games for most, if not all of the kids (I can't remember), the kids karate studio has their demo at the Tipton Pork Festival and also walked in the parade.  After the last soccer game of the morning, I loaded up 4 of 6 children (Marcus and Kella were with Grammy Linda and Grandpa Jerry for Marcus's soccer game) and went to Tipton.  The weather was questionable, but did not rain.  The demo was well done by the students and Cale even had to lead a kata.  (A kata that he mostly knew-oops.  I think it's inspired him to practice more at home.) I drove 10 little boys from the demo to the start of the parade-that 12 passenger van is good for lots of things.  Then Kinley and I went and had some lunch and walked to the end of the parade route.  The karate studio had a really great place in line and we didn't have to wait too long to see the boys.
lots of fire trucks from area services

Kinley enjoyed part of the parade.  Then, she got tired and took a nap in the stroller.

My karate boys!

My one picture of them walking in the parade.  I know-I forgot to have the camera ready when I saw them approaching.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let's hear from Ewan!

Our yearly questions answered by our new 8 year old....

Favorite color........yellow

Favorite toy........Legos

Favorite stuffed animal........husky dog

Favorite thing to sleep with .........blankets

Fav fruit.......bananas

Fav cereal........cheerios

Fav thing to eat for breakfast........cereal

Fav thing to eat for lunch.........sandwiches

Fav dessert.........cake!

Fav drink.......7-up


Fav book..........Incredible Secret of Awesome Man

Fav game........Break the Ice

Fav TV show........Pokemon

Fav movie..........the Lego Movie

Fav thing to do around and scream

Best friend? school-Adam

What do you want to be when you grow up? astronaut and blow up the moon (that's our Ewan!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Ewan!

Our Ewan turned 8 years old on September 6th.  He was pretty excited about his birthday and about what presents he thought he would get.  We had a busy day that day, anyway with soccer games, a karate demo and parade and Andy working a little bit.  I think Ewan still had a great day.
We went ahead and let Ewan open presents in the morning.  He couldn't wait!

Our builder got some Lego sets.  He really likes the Lego Movie right now and loves to create with all our lego bricks.  The lucky boy got a huge space ship and the lair of the president.

more legos

a game from Grandma Jean

a new soccer ball-he needed a size 4 one anyway and it looks cool

Grammy Linda and Grandpa Jerry got him some legos, too!

Ewan's request for a volcano cake was met.  He had told me that it was going to be one lego person's lair and the other one was going to come in and take the kragle (Lego Movie scene).  Then, the volcano would explode...

Mission accomplished!  

with Daddy

and with Mommy

Ewan is a joy to our family.  He has an incredible imagination and loves to create with legos, paper, the swing set-whatever is on hand.  He is very sweet with his sisters and right now is playing great with Cale.  He is enjoying soccer right now and I'm fairly certain his favorite class in school is gym.  He tries very had to be responsible and finish his homework each day.  We are excited to see what the future holds for Ewan.

A great day for a new 8 year old!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What the girl does...

All the penguins get dressed up.

...and then she dressed up the Skylanders.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Let them play, soccer!

Soccer is in full swing here.  Today, each of the boys has a game and they all happen to be at the same site.  Marcus has a game tomorrow, too.  A busy few days.  The weather is chilly, even with the sun shining now.  I volunteered to stay home with the girls while Andy took the boys to their games.  I think we both won since Andy gets to see all the boys play and I get to sit in sweats watching My Little Ponies with the ladies.  

These pictures I took a couple weeks ago when the weather was warmer. This was another all day of soccer with 3 games in the morning, a break for lunch and Marcus's game in the afternoon.  If I remember right, I worked that night, too.  

Just one picture of all the boys in their uniforms.  I guess it would have killed them to smile. Liam-green-Eagles.  Marcus-red-Red Bulls.  Ewan-blue-Blue Panthers.  Cale-orange-Fire.

Liam playing soccer is like watching the gentle bull Ferdinand in his meadow.  I spend most of Liam's games just cheering for him to run.  So does his coach.  So do a couple other parents.  I get pretty excited if Liam tries to kick the ball.  One day, this will all click for him...

Ewan spends much of his time playing defense.  He excels at kicking the ball out of bounds to stop the other team from advancing.  It's an effective strategy.  Ewan really likes the idea of the "battle" with the other team and "battling" his friends.

Look at what a great day it was!

I have different expectations for Cale.  Maybe it's because he is older.  Maybe because I know he's a good little athlete.   I expect Cale to play more aggressive and tough on the field.  He plays well at any position, and he is played at every position.  Cale would play the whole field by himself if he could.  

When I watch Marcus play, I can see him thinking about the best play to make.  He's definitely a thinker/analyzer. Its been fun to see him improve his game this season.

There you go.  Now, no more soccer post this fall (until tournaments start).