Saturday, September 13, 2014

Let them play, soccer!

Soccer is in full swing here.  Today, each of the boys has a game and they all happen to be at the same site.  Marcus has a game tomorrow, too.  A busy few days.  The weather is chilly, even with the sun shining now.  I volunteered to stay home with the girls while Andy took the boys to their games.  I think we both won since Andy gets to see all the boys play and I get to sit in sweats watching My Little Ponies with the ladies.  

These pictures I took a couple weeks ago when the weather was warmer. This was another all day of soccer with 3 games in the morning, a break for lunch and Marcus's game in the afternoon.  If I remember right, I worked that night, too.  

Just one picture of all the boys in their uniforms.  I guess it would have killed them to smile. Liam-green-Eagles.  Marcus-red-Red Bulls.  Ewan-blue-Blue Panthers.  Cale-orange-Fire.

Liam playing soccer is like watching the gentle bull Ferdinand in his meadow.  I spend most of Liam's games just cheering for him to run.  So does his coach.  So do a couple other parents.  I get pretty excited if Liam tries to kick the ball.  One day, this will all click for him...

Ewan spends much of his time playing defense.  He excels at kicking the ball out of bounds to stop the other team from advancing.  It's an effective strategy.  Ewan really likes the idea of the "battle" with the other team and "battling" his friends.

Look at what a great day it was!

I have different expectations for Cale.  Maybe it's because he is older.  Maybe because I know he's a good little athlete.   I expect Cale to play more aggressive and tough on the field.  He plays well at any position, and he is played at every position.  Cale would play the whole field by himself if he could.  

When I watch Marcus play, I can see him thinking about the best play to make.  He's definitely a thinker/analyzer. Its been fun to see him improve his game this season.

There you go.  Now, no more soccer post this fall (until tournaments start).

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