Wednesday, August 22, 2012

last day/first day

The 3 older boys started school on Monday.  It is nice to get back into a routine and to have a quiet house for the little ones during naptime.  Sunday night, we used up some gift cards and took the kids out to eat.  Steak and Shake, anyone?  They were so excited to get milkshakes.  It's the little things in life...

Liam wore this hat the rest of the time we were out that evening, including our trip to the store.

And then Monday school started.  The bus was scheduled to pick them up about 8:20.  She actually got there around 8:15, which is the time they got picked up last year.  Don't worry, no chance any of these boys would miss the bus-they were saying good-bye to me @ 7:50 to go outside and play basketball until the bus came!
My 2nd, 4th and kindergartener (aka Cale, Marcus and Ewan)

That's right boys, I will be taking these pictures as long as you are in school!

These are all 9 of the kids who get on from our street. I think this neighborhood has around 40 kids that ride the bus to the elementary and primary school.

There they go!

The boys had a great first day of school.  Ewan liked his teacher "okay" and was excited to go back the next day because "it would be better".  Cale felt like he got ripped off that recess was only 20 minutes long.  Marcus had a good first day, too, and came home with homework! (poor kid)

Oh, and Liam and Kella did fine being the only ones home with us.  Liam immediately commandeered the DVD player to watch a video and Kella just played, like normal.  She may not have noticed that anyone was actually missing.  Naptime was much more peaceful.  It was nice to have a quiet house for a few hours.
Another year started!

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