Monday, January 3, 2011

last photos of 2010

To continue the tradition I started last year, I took some final photos of everyone on December 31st before I went to work. I like having just one more photo of each person to document the year. Sroll down, and you should see everyone...

...and then I went to work and Andy had a huge nerf gun battle with the boys. I guess Andy won by using Cale's gun that can fire automatically. Last year's pictures can be found here.
I only made one resolution for the coming year: to finish projects. I am a horrible procrastinator and have lots of projects that are "mostly" done. First up, to finish Liam's room. Sure, he's been in the room for over a year, but the only thing on his walls right now is his name. There's really only a few things left to do: Andy did the touch-up painting last week, I moved the other boys' old bookcase in to replace the slightly less sturdy bookcase that Andy used in college, I ordered some hot-air ballon wall clings and hot-air balloon fan pulls. We will still need to paint the closet (currently pink) with just a white paint. I am looking for a dresser on craigslist for him. I would like to get some hot-air balloon pictures, too. I looked at Hobby Lobby today and didn't see any, but I know I can order them online. And, then, we need to get a door for the closet. Andy had to break the other door down a while ago because one of our cats got into the closet and knocked over part of a bed frame and totally blocked the door so we couldn't open it. Since the door opened to the inside of the closet, he couldn't take the door off its hinges and had to literally chop the door down. Good times.
After that, there are plenty of other projects to pick from. I would like to finish painting the rest of the downstairs and the garage needs some drywall on one of its walls. I guess we will be keeping busy this year!

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