Saturday, June 17, 2017

Let's hear from 4 year old Kinley!

Here's our Q&A session with Kinley.  These answers are her own.

Kinley, what is your...

favorite color?
favorite toy?...kitty
favorite stuffed animal?
favorite thing to sleep with?...blankie
favorite fruit?...cake
favorite cereal? marshmallow cereal
favorite thing to eat for breakfast?...cereal
favorite thing to eat for lunch?...yogurt
favorite dessert?...chicken
favorite drink?...water
favorite birthday dinner?...McDonalds
favorite animal?...lion
favorite book?...(no answer-she likes to be read to at bedtime)
favorite song?...Let It Go
favorite game?...cupcake game
favorite TV show?...Paw Patrol
favorite movie?...Teen Titans
favorite thing to do outside? with my best buddy

Who is your best friend?  my best buddy Ewan

What do you want to be when you grow up?  tallest

Here are previous years' answers (3yrs old and 2 yrs old) that were filled in by myself and some of the sibs.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Happy birthday Kinley! 4 years old!

We celebrated Kinley's birthday on Kella's birthday.  Let's face it-almost 4 year old Kinley was not going to wait till her actual birthday to open her presents.  I'm sure there will be some point in the future where we won't have the girls' birthdays together, but I have a feeling it will not be anytime soon.  2 extra days is a long time in to wait in a little person's life.  
Here's  my littlest birthday girl-ready to have some fun.

Also, for her birthday week, Kinley ended up on breathing treatments again.  Our very favorite doctor is keeping track of these events. Totaling them up for some time in the future when we may have to do more.  But, not today.  And, when we went to see out doctor at the end of the week for a check-up, turns out that Kinley had an ear infection, too.  Kinley took her antibiotic like a champ after a heart-to-heart with our favorite doctor.

Birthday party day.
Opening presents.  Kinley is still at that age where she will open one presents and want to play with it before considering opening up another presents.  Definitely makes that special, fun time last longer.

And, the cake.
Kinley and her Mickey Mouse cake decorated by Grammy Pammy.  First, Kinley wanted a unicorn cake.  Pinterest and I had some great ideas for the design until we went to the craft store and saw this cake pan.  Change of plans.  And, the cake looks amazing.

The aftermath.
The birthday girl, snuggling with some of her presents.  

The real birthday.
And, a picture on her actual birthday.  

Kinley's pics with her Mommy and Daddy are to be continued....sixth kid, you know.

Monday, June 12, 2017

let's hear from 6 year old Kella!

Here are the yearly questions posed to Kella.  Let's see how this year's were answered.

Kella, what is your favorite....

stuffed animal?....flamingo
thing to sleep with?....blanket
fruit?....strawberry and watermelon
cereal?....frosted shredded wheat
thing to eat for breakfast?....bacon and eggs
thing to eat for lunch?....McDonalds
dessert? cream
birthday dinner? dogs and pizza (we had hot dogs and brats)
animal?....puppy, flamingo and kitty
book?....books about animals
song?....Flamingo song (one that she made up)
TV show?....Paw Patrol
movie?....DC Super Girls
thing to do outside? soccer
Who is your best friend?....Emma
What do  you want to be when you grow up?....dolphin trainer

Here are Kella's 5 year old answers and 4 year old answers and 3 year old answers.  For fun, you can see which answers have changed, and which stayed the same.

Image result for flamingo

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Happy birthday Kella! 6 years old!

Kella turned 6 on Memorial Day.  She had been looking forward to this day for the entire month of May-like Christmas.  We had a lovely party for her on her special day.
Kella, our resident artist, painted this-two of her favorite things-a flamingo and the number 6.

Ready to have a great party.

Thanks to Daddy, who did the decorations.  He also hid the presents so Kella could find them by using simple clues. The boys do this, so she wanted her turn.

Oh, yeah, something she wanted, a hatchimal-actually, she got everything on her birthday list. It was so cute to see her write it out with her kindergarten handwriting and spelling and hang the list on the fridge.

And, clip-on earrings.  She was so excited to put some on right away.  And, there are tons of super-cute clip-ons to choose from.  Kella got puppy, kitty, unicorn, gummy bear and assorted sweet treat earrings.

Trying to figure out the hatchimal egg.  Not necessarily for impatient birthday girls.

A flamingo scene for her cake.  It's what Kella wanted.  Strawberry cake with strawberry icing and 6 flamingos for the top. 

Happy birthday, sweet Kella!

She had her best friend, Emma, over for her birthday.  Probably the best present.

After-party glow.  Tucked into the rocking chair with some of her presents.

Here is Kella's birthday list.  Happy to say, she got everything on the list.  (1. hatchimal 2. movie 3. chain (key chain for backpack) 4. candy 5. another chain 6. more candy 7. puppy 8. cat (both stuffed toys, of course) and 9. pool (we did get a kiddie pool to play in))

Kella made a mailbox for her birthday cards.  Clever, creative girl.

Picture with Daddy.

Picture with Mommy.

And, one more.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

First day, last day

Comparison pics are fun.  Hey, everyone's doing it.  So, for posterity's sake, I present you with the children's photos from the start and end of their school years.   
Kinley-Jumpstart class at Sonlight Station Preschool

Ewan (4th grade), Liam (2nd grade) and Kella (kindergarten) at Hamilton Heights Primary School

Marcus (8th grade) and Cale (6th grade) at Hamilton Heights Middle School

Monday, June 5, 2017

Random end of school year stuff in photos

Lots of activities and events happened towards the end of the school year.  Below are some of the reasons we are so busy around here.

Ewan did his science project on if a banana will brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator.  Guess which one got grosser faster?  And, we got to make some banana bread with the test subjects.

Liam did his Young Author book on stinkbugs.  Yes, you read that right.

Random concert pic.  Marcus is standing and I know which head is his.

Ewan's art show picture.  Ewan was super-excited that I came to look at his picture.

Also, Ewan was happy that I came to see his Young Author book.  Ewan did his as an Indiana alphabet book.

Kinley had her last day of preschool.

Liam participated in the 2nd grade talent show.  He did three magic tricks with the help of his "lovely assistant" Mr. Clary.  

Cale got the award for most steps taken at the middle school walk-a-thon.

Marcus was the 8th grade student recognized for 8th grade band at the academic awards night.

And, finally, last day of school for Marcus and Cale....

...and Liam, Ewan and Kella.

Also, Kinley needed her picture taken.

Then, I dragged Kinley to the elementary awards ceremony.  

And, Cale came home with a perfect attendance award.  I knew I had sent at least one of the kids to school every day.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

HHMS 6th grade choir, Spring concert, 5/23/17

Choir concert happened a couple weeks ago.  Just one more thing to check off our last-of-school-stuff to-do list.  The choirs sounded great.  I love hearing the improvement in the choirs over the course of the year.  Good news, in this video, Cale is in the front row, on the end, so he's easy to see.