Friday, September 10, 2010

going apple picking

Last Saturday, I decided to drag the boys to a nearby apple orchard. I didn't really have to drag them, but it was tough to pull them away from their morning cartoons. But, the weather was so nice and I just wanted them to be outside as much as possible. And, guess what? Once we got there, the boys had a good time.

Grammy Pammy was here visiting and they all got to ride on the wagon that led us to the trees growing my absolute new favorite type of apple-honeycrisp-so delicious! I had to rescue Liam before the tractor took off. The engine noise kind of freaked him out.

The boys had fun picking the apples. We did have to set a few rules-please pick the red one, do not "pick" the apples that are on the ground, try to not choose the apples with wormholes. The boys were really impressed by the size of some of the apples. Were they Courtland apples that were ginormous? I can't remember. We got several of those for our sack.

Liam enjoyed eating much more than picking :-). Apples are now one of his new favorite snacks-he especially likes them whole.

The part the boys were most excited about was the store where they could have a treat and the the wooden pirate ship. They could have played the rest of the morning on that ship. We still have plenty of apples. We picked 12 pounds! The boys have enjoyed apple cobbler and I am going to make an apple bar dessert today. Yea for fall and for apples!

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