Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the warriors meet Santa

A few Saturdays ago was the annual Christmas parade.  It starts and ends at the library and Andy took the boys so they could watch the parade and meet Santa Claus.  They like that Santa makes a trip down from the North Pole to visit and talk to them.

Here are the warriors, ready for the Christmas parade at the library.  Andy took the older boys, while I stayed home with Liam since it was naptime.

Ewan meeting the big guy.

Cale with Santa.  I think he asked for more Bakugan. (He had just gotten a bunch for his birthday)

Marcus asked Santa for a Nintendo DS.  We explained to him that Santa will not be bringing him a DS for Christmas, but if he saves his money, we will match him and pay for half.  He seemed to be okay with that.

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