Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summertime, time for a baseball game

One of the things Andy had to do for a class he's taking this summer is attend a professional sports event.  Lucky for us we live near Indy, which among other things, has a minor league baseball team-the Indians.  Of course, he couldn't go by himself...he bought tickets enough to make it a boys' night out.  But, a tired Liam wanted to stay home and Kella was excited to go in his place.  They had great seats, the concessions were $1, what more could you ask for?

They all got game balls!  Marcus caught one that was tossed into the stands and at the end of the game, one of the umpires gave Cale and Ewan each one, too.  Happy boys.

Liam stayed home with me and Kinley. After watching several episodes of Lazytown and The Chica Show, Liam drifted off to sleep in the chair. I didn't have the heart to try to get him to go to sleep in his bed when none of his brothers were there.  Everyone for home about eleven and were ready for bed. Except maybe Kella. She had a blast and did not fall asleep in the car like we thought she would (she's a night walker like her mama). What a fun experience for  the kids to have as a summer memory. They would readily go back. I'm thankful that Andy was willing to take the kiddos with him. What an awesome dad we have!

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