Saturday, February 5, 2011

Finally done with being stuck at home

Our "snowed in" adventure wrapped up on Friday with a 2 hour delay for Marcus and Cale. They were so excited to get on the bus and I was never so happy to see the school bus. Hmm, guess I'm not cut out for homeschooling after all.

Thursday was another day like the others. The boys played outside on the snow/ice, played the Wii, watched some tv, played a few games, argued, whined, you know, the usual stuff. I dangled over Andy the allure of going off the reservation to get some milk and maybe a new door for Liam's closet (newly painted white by Andy-thank you!). It took him over 2 hours to break through the ice in the driveway and he had to do it or we would not have been able to pull the cars back into the garage once they backed out-no traction in the driveway. By the time he was done, everyone was ready to play outside again and I graciously (re: excitedly) told Andy I would go get milk in his place. I know, how generous of me. And, guess what? Outside of our subdivison, the roads were fantastic! They were dry and clear and I bet we could have driven on them the day before. Anyway, we replenished our milk and cereal supply and got through the rest of the evening.

The next morning, Marcus and Cale were giddy with excitement to get to go back to school. Andy let them go outside a good 20 mins early to wait for the bus. (he was mostly tired of listening to them complain) They played outside until they got picked up and went on to have a great day at school.

Now, back to our normal schedule.

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