Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday (on Thursday)

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

I wasn't going to write a list this week-I was running late and I'm feeling kind of down. Then, I get to reading everyone else's lists and I started to think-I am thankful for lots of things....

1. Choices. Choices freak me I and get me all worried that I'm making the right one, but it's nice to have options. We're deciding whether or not to put Marcus in all day kindergarten or half-day, Andy's figuring out what future career path he may take, and I got to give input regarding when I can be finished with orientation at work.
2. Our new swingset! The boys love it and play on it every day-weather permitting.
3. Ewan calls me "momma"-love it!
4. I'm thankful for times when we don't have to go anywhere. It's nice to be able to stay at home.
5. Marcus still plays with my hair.
6. Chances. I get to help lead a small group related to a Sunday morning class reveloving around the book "Bad Girls of the Bible". Should be interesting.
7. I sold all the textbooks that I posted on
8. our "under construction" sandbox. This was Marcus's birthday present from Grammy Pammy. Andy has started to dig out the area where we are putting this backyard addition.
9. Imagination. Cale just asked me how do we get to where our reflections are.
10. per Marcus "I'm thankful for you"-I'm sure he is, or, he really wants me to finish typing so he can play on the computer

1 comment:

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Hey! I'm so sorry I missed this earlier! So glad that you made a list ~ Thursday is just as good as Tuesday to be thankful!!!

I get freaked out about choices sometimes, too! And "momma" ~ sometimes I just hope they'll say it a lot during the day, so I can hear that sweet word!