Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

Well, it's Thursday, which means that I'm right on time with my thankful list. One day, maybe, I'll be first in line....but for now, I'm content to be @ the end of the list of contributers.

I'm thankful for.....

1. Marcus LOVES school!
2. He also loves riding the bus!
3. He was able to get in the house yesterday after school (see previous post)
4. We have family coming to visit on Friday.
5. And, I have an extra day to clean before they get here
6. The weather has been awesome. Our air has been off for a week (except for a 6 hour stretch during a thunderstorm).
7. The Olympics. I just like having something to watch @ 2am when things are slow @ work.
8. I sold another book on It's one of my sister's old ones and I thought no one would want an older edition of a textbook.
9. A generous, and helpful Grammy Pammy!
10. Free time to do things like blog, scrapbook, read-anything but housework!

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