Monday, August 12, 2013

Ewan got promoted

At karate to tonight, the sensei was running the kids through what they would each need to know for their next promotion. I wasn't paying close attention-mostly because I was trying to keep Liam from talking the ear off of a guy who was there just trying to work out (I jumped I after I heard Liam say "I'm stronger than you."). Apparently, the sensei thought that Ewan was progressing nicely and decided to promote him to an orange-striped belt. It's a step-up from his gold belt and shows that Ewan knows most of what he needs to get a full orange belt after a bit more work. It's a nice way to keep Ewan motivated, too. Let's remember that Ewan is 6 years old and has already advanced through several belt rankings. Ewan was so excited. He was getting promoted before his brothers. And, I let him tell Andy on the phone. So happy.

Has to have help tying his belt. Hopefully Ewan can keep this one on better.

In line with his class. See the grin :-)

Congratulations Ewan!

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