Friday, January 20, 2012

we went to the Indiana State Museum

On Monday, all the kids were out of school. For "fun" we decided to go to the Indiana State Musuem.  It was free to get in with a can of food for MLK Jr. Day and even Andy and I had never been before.  The boys were excited to be going somewhere, and we let them bring their DSs in the car.  It was pretty busy-who wouldn't want free admission?  I think the kids like it, though.  They may have just liked getting out of the house.  And, they got McDonalds for lunch-lucky kids!
The museum had a fair amount of stuff for kids to touch.  This is a table of paw prints.  You got to guess what animal made each one.

Inside a wigwam.  Everyone thought that was pretty cool.

The pendulum clock. 

In what we thought was a recreation of a 2 story brick school house was a community room set up with old-fashioned kid games.  Marcus rocked out the top.  Andy impressed everyone with his top skills, too.  The volunteer kept telling kids to go ask Andy how to spin the top.

Liam did okay.  He ended up in the stroller after a while because he would take off like a 2 year old does.  He wasn't happy at first, but in this room, he would climb out of the stroller, get the toy, and climb back into his seat.

The boys.  We got them all a snack before we left.  The sugar kept them mostly content until we got home.

The girls.  Kella loved the attention of people coming up to her and telling her how pretty she was, how pretty her hair was, etc.  She would smile and clap and look all cute. 

Trip accomplished.  The boys were slightly worn out from the walking.  And, it was nice to go somewhere all together.  I think I would like to go back with more of a plan to see the exhibits.  Maybe next year.

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