Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 weeks left?

We are counting down the days until Kella makes her appearance. I had a scheduled drs visit today and that doctor (one of my favs) suggested that we go ahead and deliver @ 39 weeks. There is no medical reason to induce me earlier (apparently "big baby" is not a medical reason). The baby is measuring large anyway and I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to get a clearer picture of the size-even though my dr said that the ultrasound can be +/- 1 pound-so an 8 pound baby could be sized from 7-9 pounds by ultrasound. This picture of me does look like I'm hiding a ball under my shirt. She is all to the front. So, I have a list of dates and the doctors who are on call to deliver those days. I've never gotten to actually pick the birthday of one of my kids before. Ewan was the closest-his induction was scheduled on the first available day. We're kind of leaning towards the 10th or 13th of June. When I go back next week, I'll try to schedule something. Anyway, that's all the exciting news. We'll know more next week. :-)

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