Friday, October 8, 2010

football is winding down

This week is the last week of football. Cale's last game is on Saturday and Marcus has a game Saturday and then his "playoffs" next week. I can't say that I'm sad to see it end, rather relieved. It's been busy taking Marcus and Cale to practice and games every week and I have learned to love the days when we don't have an hour between their return from school and climbing into the car to go to practice. I think that they have each had fun an at least learned a little something, if not about football, then at least about playing together as a team. Neither of the boys actually ever complained about going to practice-and Marcus even walks with a little athelete swagger now. The following couple pictures are from the games they had on Wednesday night-"Hamilton Heights Under the Lights". One of the things I like about this program and this school distict is that before the start of the games, the announcer leads everyone there in an actual prayer, actually using the words "God" and "Jesus", and then we have the Star-Spangled Banner. Small town America still exhists here. Anyway, no pictures of Marcus playing, not because he did not play, but because we were facing the setting sun and there was no way to take a good picture. I'll try to get some on Saturday.

Marcus and Ewan watching Cale play. Notice Ewan in his usual accessories-sunglasses and gloves (I think they give him super powers)

Cale's in the blue shorts. He's looking to see which way the ball is going to be run.

Liam wanted to wear Marcus's pads. I thought is was cute, so did the other parents. Not so cute when he decided to try to run onto the field. He just wanted to play too!

Ewan tried on the pads and helmet, too. I think he's looking forward to the time when he is "big" enough to participate.

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