Monday, April 28, 2008

The perfect storm...

...of events that is. After work on Saturday night, I was greeted at home with 1) the alternator went out on the van, 2) our babysitter was not available on Monday to watch the boys while I went to work, and 3) Marcus might have strep throat. Needless to say, not the best way to be met at the door. Well, because of all this, I stayed home from work Monday. I guess that works out-no $ spent on gas or a babysitter. We're still keeping an eye on Marcus's throat just in case something develops.
We've decided the van is done. We replaced the alternator a few years ago, anyway, and, we have a sneaky feeling that the transmission is going bad too (we have also replaced that once). Now, it's on to hunt for a new-er car. We'll see what we can find.
To top the above off, I got a call from work today saying that effective immediately, graduate nurses have to pass their state boards before they will be allowed to do nursing activities. For me, this means I have to take a Kaplan review class the week of May 12th instead of in June like I had planned. This also means I need to arrange for babysitting for that week-hopefully someone that can take Marcus and Cale to preschool that week.
I realize that many people have to deal with more pressing issues. But, it feels good to write these problems out here-I guess as a stress reliever. Anyway, stay tuned to see what happens...

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