Friday, December 5, 2014

Well, it's Friday, again

Another week gone.  Another Friday morning.  It seems that the only time I find time to post is when I have a bunch of cleaning to do on a morning before I have to work that night.

Procrastination anyone?

I sit here knowing I will not get through my entire to-do list.  And, since I'm working the entire weekend, if I don't get it done this morning...well...there is always next week.

I have almost finished with the wretched job of popcorn kernal (that's right) for our Cub Scout pack.  Never again, I say.  Today, I need to order the kids prizes.  Just waiting for 1 parent to get back to me.  And, my kids still have 2 popcorn orders to deliver!  After this, my focus for scouts will be to work with the boys at home on their advancements.  Currently, they can't make the meetings because of basketball practice.

We are having a quiet morning.  Girls' morning.  Andy had to go to a meeting.  The boys are all at school.  Kinley and I are still in our jams and Kella is wearing a princess dress.  Ponyo is here, too.  Sleeping on the couch.

Ponyo is doing better.  But, I still have to remind myself that she is a puppy.  Her new favorite thing is to run up the stairs to find the cats and eat their food.  The boys hate this because then they have to go get Ponyo and bring her back downstairs.  I wouldn't care, except that she does eat their food and the cats simply hate her.  This morning, she ended up in time-out after the second time she ran upstairs.  And, she knows, too.  She's smart.  She actually tried to hide under one of the boy's beds when I went up to get her.  Ponyo especially loves Kinley and is slightly protective of her.  Very sweet.

A couple girls, hanging out on the couch.

It snowed way back in the first part of November.  Measurable snow.  Time to haul out the boots and snowpants and hope we have some that fit everyone.  No one complained, so I guess we're fine.

And, since one of Ponyo's talents is eating Kinley's food, we place Kinley in her fortress of solitude when she eats.

Okay.  There we go.  Everyone have a great weekend.  We have bunches of basketball tomorrow and then a band concert Sunday topped with another basketball game.

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