Sunday, November 9, 2014

soccer season ended a while ago....

Oh, about a month ago, Marcus was still playing soccer.  He was wrapping up his second end-of-season tournament.  The weather was cold.  The play was competitive.  It was a good way to end the season. 
Marcus played goalie for every game. The last few weeks of the season the coach stopped switching out players in that position.  Marcus did a great job and even helped his team win in a shoot-out-something he had never experienced before.  You know, in 3 seasons, Marcus has really improved his soccer playing.  Overall, the team ended up coming in second in the tourney.  Pretty cool.

The coach did a great job with the kids.  You could tell he loved to coach, loved the kids and knew a lot about soccer.  I would be happy to have him coach Marcus again.

Final team photo. Trophies and medals.

Team pile-up.

A great way to end the soccer season.  What I didn't show you were the blanket tents the other kids hid under.  Kinley being her usual "happy" self.  Andy, doing most of the soccer shuttling, since it was my weekend to work.  Let's remember the happy parts. :-)

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