Saturday, November 2, 2013

Kinley turned 5 months old on Halloween!

Sweet baby K is five months old now! (And I am still trying to get out her 3 1/2 month pictures!) *sigh.  This is a fun time with her as she starts to discover more things around her and more things she can do.  In the past month.....
•like to sit in her walker-she can grab at the toys and bring them to her mouth
•would rather just chew on your fingers than hers
•is still sleeping through the night-but right now she's been waking up around 5am to eat and go back to sleep. What wakes her up? Hunger? Is she cold? Not sure. At least she's not awake and ready to play.
•still eats on demand, every 3 hours, I think
•still hates when someone, ie "not mom", is holding her. Oh, she gets so mad so fast!
•likes watching all the activity/drama that living in a house with 5 siblings provides
•loves her bath time. When she's tired, it's cute to watch her try to drift off to sleep in the tub.
•first Halloween! I kept her home. It was awful chilly out. She wore a little outfit with owls on it, but no actual costume.
•can kind of sit up on her own in a tri-pod position. Has rolled over onto her back once. It scared her a little bit.
I guess in the next month, we'll start food. Anyone's guess as to how that will go. Kinley is so sweet, though, and usually a happy baby. Her little personality is fun to watch come out as she interacts with us and her siblings. Looking forward to the holidays with her!
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