Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Liam's preschool field trip and October photos days 7 (straw), 8 (pumpkins) and 9 (peek-a-boo)

Today, we froze ourselves silly out at a pumpkin patch for the preschool's annual field trip.  Andy usually gets to go with whichever of our kids are in preschool at the time.  This year, I had no work excuse to use and Andy had homework, so I got to go.  I misjudged the weather.  I should have put Liam and Kella in warmer coats, or at least added hats and possibly gloves to their wear.  Oops.  We survived the cold, cloudy, windy day and I know that Liam had lots of fun and Kella had some fun too.  I even got some pictures to use for the October photo challenge I am completing.  However, I might just remember to schedule myself to work next year so Andy can once again chaperone. :-)

Just a little cold out-trying to pull up his hood

There's Kella, loving being carried in the backpack

Liam agreed to pose for 1 photo-after this, he was too excited to stand still (notice the straw and pumpkin=october photos day 7 & 8)

Liam liked seeing the animals in the barn.  I just liked standing in the barn out of the wind.

Cool slide.  He went down it several times.

Jumping up and down-so excited for the hayride.  I didn't go since I didn't want to take Kella out of her backpack for the ride.  We hung out by/in the barn.

Sweet freedom from the backpack!

She loved the alpacas!

This goat must love the alpacas, too-its head was totally underneath the stable wall trying to get to the alpacas' side (october photo:  peek-a-boo day 9)

Then we went and hid, I mean played in the "corn box", a three-sided shed with, you might have guessed, corn.  Kella liked crawling around in it and I won't lie, some of the corn ended up in her mouth (gross!).  Liam and company came and played in there for a little bit after the hayride.

But, Liam's favorite part, by far was this jumping thing.  Kind of like a trampoline built into the ground, it was rounded, like a big hump.  Liam was in heaven.  He even guilted my into going out there to jump, too. (that's not me in the picture, by the way)

You can see how windy it was-look at Kella's hair.

After jumping, it was time for lunch.  Sure, we could have eaten our picnic lunch in a cold barn with a bunch of other little kids.  I preferred our plan-eating in a warm car on the way to get some more coffee.  No one objected.

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