Thursday, August 27, 2009
our four month old "little" Liam

Marcus's first day of 1st grade!

Are we old enough to have a first grader in our house? I guess so, because we sent Marcus off to first grade on Monday. He was excited to go back and be around lots of kids his age. He is in a class with only 2 of his classmates from last year, but from what Marcus tells us, it sounds like he meets up with the rest of them at recess-favorite game: chasing girls. I drove him to school the first day (after I got home from work-see photo above) and he rode the bus home. The open house was Wednesday night, and we ran by to see his class, re-introduce myself to the teacher, and walk around the school. Hopefully the year goes well for Marcus and he continues to enjoy school.
my complaint of the day
Saturday, August 22, 2009
school supplies
Thursday, August 20, 2009
invasion of the cousins
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From Aug2009 |
(Marcus, Savannah, Ewan, Marie, Liam, Cale & Cassie)
A few weeks ago, Kim and the girls came out to spend a few days. They came to visit, but also Kim helped out by watching the boys so I could go to work (Andy had sports practices all day, every day). We're so thankful that she was able to come, because otherwise, I don't think we would have found a sitter who could come for a few hours in the evening and then be back at our house the next morning by 5 or 6 am. Plus, the boys got to see their cousins and were super-excited about that. They played great together, we got to take them to the splash park at the YMCA, and the boys got to have them for guests in their Wednesday night church class. It was a great visit and I'm glad we got it in before school started and everyone gets busy with new schedules. The picture above will take you to others :-)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ewan & Liam's room

a close-up of the fabric-so cute!
mother knows best, part 2
Me: how was your night?
Andy: Liam didn't sleep well for part of the night, and then at 2am, I figured out that he was actually cold.
Me: What was he wearing?
Andy: I just had him in a onesie. After I realized that he was cold, I put him in a sleeper.
Me: (mini-lecture on how babies kick off blankets, babies body surface area compared to adults, and just because you are always hot does not mean that Liam is as hot as you)
Liam slept fine the next night, dressed in a sleeper of course!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
mother knows best I guess
Me: How was your night?
Andy: I'm so tired. Liam only slept for 1 to 2 hours at a time.
Tracy: That's wierd.
Andy: Yeah, I think he doesn't feel well. He feel warm.
Tracy: What's his temperature?
Andy: I haven't taken it. I thought you could do that when you get home.
Tracy: Well, if he has a fever, you should give him some tylenol.
Andy: I don't know how much to give him.
Tracy: We have a dosing chart right next to the thermometer with all the medicine.
Andy: I just figured you could do it when you get home.
Tracy: Well, at least take his temp under his arm, come on, it's not that difficult.
So, that was the end of our conversation. Andy did take Liam's temp and it was 99.9. Poor kid. He ended up having a fever for about 24 hours. Liam did sleep better on Friday night. Probably because I gave him tylenol before he went to bed. Now he's all better and back to his happy self. :-)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Joe came to visit
climbing on Grammy

Joe and his big sister :-)