Friday, September 12, 2008

stats for Marcus

Marcus went to the doctor today for his 5 year old check-up/kindergarten physical. The doctor was thrilled to see him-as always, and was pleased with how he was doing. Marcus currently weighs 58.4 pounds and is 46 and 3/4 inches tall. He is off the chart for his height and weight (by his own admission, he is the biggest kid in his class). Of course, he's pretty much always been off the chart, so he's maintaining his growth pattern. The poor kid had to get 4 shots today. He knew he was getting them and was okay until they stuck him with the first one. I know they sting-esp the MMR. 10 minutes and a sticky toy later (courtesy of the nurse), he was fine and went to school for the rest of the day. The band-aids are still on his arms-he wouldn't let me take them off before bedtime, and he did fall asleep right away.

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