Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Time for the girls to see the doctor

Mid-June, I was the lucky parent who got to take the girls to their joint doctor's appointment.  I knew it would be especially "fun" because 1) I worked the night before and 2) both girls were getting shots.  The appointment was as expected.  Kinley was tolerant of the nurse for the most part.  Each of the girls got a sticker after getting weighed and Kinley almost assaulted Kella for the Frozen sticker Kella got.  There was lots of saying "let it go" on Kinley's part and then she got herself a Frozen sticker, too.  Our favorite doctor was happy with the girls' growth and development.  Then, onto the shots.  There were tears.  Kinley went first, since she only got one shot.  Kella went next, and, although she cried about the shots, she freaked. out.  about the band-aids.  Really, I have not met another kid who cries hysterically about the thought of wearing a band-aid.  I looked at the nurse and said, "she is not going to wear these."  The nurse was like, "I've never seen a kid cry about band-aids before.  I guess we can just hold pressure with a cotton ball if there is bleeding."  Which is what we did.  One crisis averted.  Then, the girls were showered with more trinkets from the nurse, gum from the check-out lady and lunch from the golden arches from their mother.  I would say that recovery went smoothly.

The ladies were measured and weighed.  Here are their stats:
Kella: height 39 inches, weight 33.8 pounds 50th and 50th percentiles
Kinley: height 33.5 inches, weight 30.8 pounds 75th and 90th percentiles
(Kella at 2 was 33 inches and 28.4 pounds.  I really think Kinley is heavier at this age because she is still drinking her milk with each meal.  She has a kind of bottle/sippy cup hybrid she uses right now instead of a straight sippy cup.)

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