Thursday, May 9, 2013

our Wednesday

I fell asleep watching television on Wednesday night.  Here's why...

It started out with a routine doctor's appointment for me. No problems.  I just have to leave about an hour before the appt to get there on time.

Before I left, Ewan comes to me complaining that his left ear hurts.  He is also is holding his head to the left so that his head is almost touching his shoulder.  I gave him ibuprofen and sent him to school like a good nurse-mom.  On the way to my appt, I called the school nurse to see if she could just look in Ewan's ear and let me know if it was looking infected.  Her otoscope bulb light was broken and she couldn't help.


No worries, I called our pediatrician's office to see if they could see Ewan, or, even if they wanted to.  After talking to our doctor, it was decided to squeeze Ewan in with Liam's 4 year check-up that morning.  Call to the school to ask them to have Ewan down in the office to pick up (nope). Call to Andy to ask him to pick up Ewan from school and bring him along.

I got about 45 mins between my doctor's appt and the kids to go to the store and get 4 more bath towels as I am on a mission to replace our 14 year old fraying bath linens.

At the pediatrician's office, Liam's check-up went well.  The doctor kept a drawing he had had done of people that Liam had drawn on the exam paper.  Liam weighed 42.4 pounds and is 43 1/2 inches tall (90th-95th% for stats).  He also got all of his kindergarten shots.  The office likes to give those a year early.  Liam impressed our doctor with his knowledge of sign language, too.  Liam also was found to have an ear infection and got himself some antibiotics. (He does have a junky cough that's been around for about 5 days.)

A look into Ewan's ear showed that wax was blocking the view of the ear drum.  The nurse washed Ewan's ear out and got out more ear was than I thought should have been in there.  Then our doctor comes in, peeks into Ewan's ear and says those magic words that she says everytime Ewan has an ear infection, "That looks pretty bad."  Needless to say, Ewan ended up on an antibiotic as well.

Lunch out at McDonalds with a play area.

Trade off cars with Andy so he could go to work.  I took the kids home with a stop at the pharmacy to drop off prescriptions.  Since Ewan only had an hour left of school, I just kept him with me.  He was happy.

Get Kella to bed for naptime.  Get Liam and Ewan to lay down to rest.  I get to rest, too.

Get up to vaccuum and sweep.  Marcus and Cale get home from school.  Go over evening plans.  Art fair, book fair, soccer practice.  Make dinner to take to soccer practice.

Art fair at the primary school.  The kids do a drawing that gets framed for parents to see. It's a fundraiser for the art department.  Ewan did a bear fishing in water.  Cale drew a pair of ice skates.  Negotiations with and exhausted Liam to ride in the stroller (no nap for Liam today).

Then, we went to the book fair in the library.  Ewan and Cale each got to get a book.

We checked out the young author books.  Cale did a book on sheep and sheep facts.  It looks pretty cool.  He was proud of his work.

Cale's soccer practice and dinner time outside. 

Of course, Liam said he had to go to the bathroom in the "pink TARDIS".  I said, "no" because he had just gone to the bathroom.

Home for baths and jammies and bedtime.

It makes me tired just writing about it.
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