Monday, November 5, 2012

Miss Spider's Tea Party

On Halloween, Liam's preschool had their annual Miss Spider's Tea Party.  It's their way of letting the kids dress up for Halloween without actually calling it a "Halloween party".  The kids are encouraged to dress up as an insect, and every year I overthink what whichever kid is in preschool should wear.  We've done grasshoppers and bumblebees.  Marcus was even The Tick (from a cartoon show).  Ewan borrowed a dragonfly costume one year, too.  For Liam, I did not feel like trying to make and outfit and we forgot to see if there was a spare costume at the preschool to borrow.  Besides, he is so strong-headed, I don't know if he would have worn one.  Lucky for us, we have a whole bag of costume that included a nice Spider-Man one.  And, that's what Liam wore.  He was the only Spider-Man, although I think there was some other kind of mutant bug on stage, too.  Kella and I made it to the little parade and songs that the preschoolers do.
There's Liam, walking in.

And, he promptly came over to me, crouched down and sucked his thumb.  It must have been traumatic, being Spider-Man all morning.  He didn't want to go up to the stage to sing the songs.  No biggie, I didn't care.

Two songs in, he decided he could go up to the stage.  And, of course, he did great.  He knew all the words and the motions they did to each song.  What a stinker.

Let's you see the variety of bugs at this year's party.

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