Thursday, February 26, 2009

life with boys

just a funny story....
Saturday evening was some kind of carnival @ the elementary school. We took the boys and they had fun spending their tickets on games and then cashing in different tickets for prizes. I think a lot of people got a kick out of seeing Ewan step up after Marcus and Cale to play the same games. We stopped by the booth that made balloon animals. It was sponsered by the Methodist preschool in town. So, it's our turn up to pick our balloon thing....
Marcus: I want a sword.
Balloon people: We don't make swords.
M: I don't want anything.
BP: Would you like a dog, or a bunny or a giraffe, or a flower?
M: No thanks.
Ewan: I want a dog!
Cale: I think I want a snake.
BP: You want a what?
C: A snake.
M: I want a snake too!
Yes, the kids got their snakes, which, let's face it, look a lot like swords. And that is just what they used them as when they got home. By then, Ewan's dog had become untwisted, too, so all the boys had something to wave around and beat on each other with. I bet those were the only snakes the ballon guy made that night :-) Andy cracked up when he heard this story after he got home from work.

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