Friday, September 11, 2020

Marcus's birthday questions (17 on July 7th)

Marcus's birthday was a combo celebration this year. We had cake and presents just with us and then, a few weeks later, Marcus had a bowling night with some friends. He was a good sport with us trying to create a 4th of July themed cake with sparklers. (That didn't quite work out how I thought it would). For the life of me, I can't remember what he got for presents except a watch, some weird animal socks and an office t-shirt. What he probably wanted the most, his driver's license, was going to have to wait until August.

Marcus, what is your favorite....
thing to sleep with?....Ponyo
cereal?....frosted flakes
thing to eat for breakfast?....pancakes
thing to eat for lunch?....not leftovers
movie?....Star Trek Into Darkness
thing to do outside?
game?, soccer, any Xbox game
television show?....any detective show
Who are your best friends?....Ethan and Izzy and Sam

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