Friday, January 13, 2017


Such excitement for Christmas here!  Santa worked long and hard to find just the right things for each of these red-headed children.  I think he was successful.  Also, I didn't have to
work on the eve-a great present for me.  Here's some pics, but not too many since I didn't want to celebrate behind a camera lens.
The night before....

All the stockings...too heavy for my makeshift mantle that I've done in the past.  So much easier just to lay them out on the couch.  Plus, clearly some things did not fit in the stockings.

Christmas day is was fun to hear kids run down stairs to find their stockings and  presents.  Except for Marcus, he did not run.  He is too cool.

Cale-happy with his panda things.

Some super-heroes for Kella.

Ewan-excited for presents.

I think all the kids loved their presents.  Kella wished there were more.  Kinley, Kella and Liam all helped Grammy Pammy open her gifts (as in, opening the present on the way to handing the present to Grammy).  I don't remember too much fighting that day. We had new toys and new games to play.  New electronics, too. And, we had a killer dinner, made by Andy, of beef brisket plus sides.  A great day overall.  

Grammy, reading with Kinley's  pigs.

Hats and presents from Aunt Claud!

So fun to be able to spend this day together! 

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