Monday, February 4, 2013

Remnant of my past job

I knew the time would come.

I finally told the PICU that I could not stay on as PRN there.

Let's be honest, I had only signed ip for one shift and was cancelled from that anyway. It's just really hard to schedule that extra day of work when I'm trying really hard to work around basketball, karate, scouts and Andy's longer work days.

So I'm hanging up my PICU badge. And, just for memories took a photo of it because I'm pretty sure I have to turn the badge in to someone. You know, for security purposes, or whatever.

This was my first badge that I got when I started working at the hospital. In fact, I never did get it updated to read "RN". If you look, you can almost see the letters SNT (student nurse tech) under a sticker by my name. And the back has all those "important" numbers that I needed to remember.

I was scared to go to work there at first. Those kids were so sick, and we were the last line of defense for them. I got better though, and by the end of my time there, I could handle the sickest kiddos with no problem. I have some pride in knowing that I worked in as hard a field as peds critical care. I don't know what the future of my nursing career will hold, but I'm thankful for where I got my start.

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