Monday, May 18, 2009

the flag football experience

We signed the boys up for outdoor spring sports-Marcus in flag football and Cale in soccer. So far we have had one nice day for a practice. I guess in Indiana the only 2 weather conditions we have are rainy and windy. The fields have been pretty muddy for each game and practice which is especially hard on Marcus, who currently has an aversion to getting muddy. Maybe this will help him get over that "problem". So we come home on Saturdays muddy and wet and cold. Thank goodness for oxyclean!-definitely gets the mud off of everyone clothes! But the boys like being on their teams and playing in the games-so it's worth the hassle of the spring weather watching them get excieted about sports.

2 shots of Marcus playing. The coaches rotate the all the boys through all the positions. Marcus likes playing and is one of the faster kids on the team and understands the concept of running down the ball carrier at an angle to intercept him faster (Andy gets excited about that).

Liam tolerates the game moderately well.

Ewan loves the football games, mostly because of a sand pit (aka old volleyball area) where he can dig and get filthy. You can't tell in this photo, but he is covered in mud from the waist down and his socks are absolutely brown! (they were white-I don'y know if oxyclean can help me with them)
Cale, slightly muddy from his soccer game earlier in the day. We are @ sports from 9-1130 every Saturday.

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